Lehrstuhl für Personalisierte Mobile Sensorsysteme

Position as a Research Assistant (PostDoc)

The School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering, Chair of Smart Sensor Systems invites applications for a position as a

Research Assistant (PostDoc)

This position is to be filled as of 01.08.2022 for 3 years with 100 % of the tariff working hours (part-time is possible, please state when applying whether you would also be interested in a part-time job).

Salary: E 14 TV-L


Professional and personal requirements:

- Completed university studies (Master’s degree or comparable) in electrical engineering, physics, materials science or similar
- Excellent Ph.D. in the field of semiconductor technology, nanotechnology, solid state physics or similar
- Deep knowledge in the field of semiconductor electronics and semiconductor technology, as well as optical and electronic sensors
- Experience with laboratory work especially electrical and optical measurement techniques
- Very good knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken
- Knowledge of LabVIEW

Tasks and requirements:

As a PostDoc, you will work in the frame of current research areas of the Chair of Smart Sensor Systems and develop your own research focus. Current research areas of the chair are:

- Optical sensors based on two-dimensional materials such as graphene
- Flexible THz detectors
- Flexible thin film electronics based on two-dimensional materials
- New electronic devices based on perovskites

Your tasks will include:

- Support and guidance for PhD students and undergraduate students in their research activities
- Development of independent research
- Independent application for third-party funding projects (e.g. DFG, EU)
- Participation in teaching to the extent of 4 teaching hours

An extension of the contract is possible if necessary.

This is a qualification position within the meaning of the Science Time Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG), which can be filled to promote scientific or artistic qualification. The duration of the employment contract will be appropriate to the scientific qualification sought.

Reference number: 22054

Applications including all relevant credentials (motivation letter, CV, proof of successful completion of studies, references, proof of severe disability as PDF file, if applicable) should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Daniel Neumaier and solely submitted via the online portal of the University of Wuppertal: https://stellenausschreibungen.uni-wuppertal.de. Kindly note, that incomplete applications will not be considered.

The University of Wuppertal is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from persons of any gender are highly welcome. In accordance with the Gender Equality Act of North Rhine-Westphalia women will be given preferential consideration unless there are compelling reasons in favor of an applicant who is not female. The same applies to applications from disabled persons, who will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.

Application deadline: 23.05.2022